Saturday, August 4, 2012

8/2/12- Blacks

Paddled out this morning with Russ from the gp.  Cops in the parking lot waiting for the full moon hippies emerging from the depths of the cliffs.  As soon we were just about to walk down I had to give a give a jumpstart to some of the partiers that thanked with hugs.  On the way down one of the funnier characters of all time was just starting his walk up the cliff and asked if he was almost to the top.  When we told him that he just started the hike and that he had a very long way to go he though were just messing with him.  He obviously had way to much acid or something if he didn't even remember walking down and couldn't see the top.  The waves were pretty tini but there was a very long period waist high set that would come in every 10 minutes.  On the paddle out I saw a knee boarder getting barreled on a perfect barely waist high left.  It was also a bit crowded.  Sat on north peak and was joined later by Paul and after an hour or so we all decided it was time to head to Peats.   There was also a sea lion swimming on the inside right when I was bellying it back to shore.  Pretty uneventful day as far as surf but a nice one at that.

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