Sunday, May 27, 2012

5/27/12 - Blacks

Surfed this morning at 8am.  Winds were showing 3-5 offshore with Tp buoy showing about 3ft at 270 degrees.  The waves were ok with the bottoming out tide but started to get a little better as the water moved in.  Most were waist high and slightly mushy but once and a while that random set would come though with more of a push to shoulder height.  Was out at middles for a bit and then paddled over to north peak to finish up the sessions.  The crowd was minimal with lots of groms in the lineup.   Surfed solo today and stayed out a good three hours before calling it quits and walking back up to the glider port. At the end of the session the winds switched more westerly and then picked up a lot later in the day.

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