Monday, February 6, 2012

2/6/12 - Blacks

Pulled up to the lot presuited today at 6:20am and was out within another10 minutes. Tide was at 5ft peaking at 8am at 6ft.  Smaller than yesterday at head high or so, but definitely more fun with tons of good lefts rolling through and barley any crowd.  Surfed solo at middle peak straight off of the lifeguard station and the left bowl was rolling in from far outside all the way in.  Racey sections with some close outs but had so many waves that I was tired even after an hour of paddling.  Ended up staying out for two hours and then hurried into work around 9am :)  TP buoy showing 3.7-4.6ft at 272 degrees.  Winds were offshore at about 7-10mph with them calming as the morning progressed, but the cliffs blocked a good portion with the water staying relatively calm.  Dolphins, pelicans and seals in the lineup this morning with the waves breaking in about 10ft or more of water.


b_nicholas said...

Avalanche was very good this morning too. Long, peeling lefts, sometimes breaking top to bottom, with a good amount of closeouts but tons of makeable ones.

b_nicholas said...

Avalanche was super good this morning too. Long lefts sometimes breaking top to bottom. A good amount of closeouts but plenty of makeable ones with a minimal crowd.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the feedback B. It's great to hear conditions from other spots as well. I heard it started barrelling more at lunch time at Blacks today too! Hopefully some left over tomorrow.