Thursday, January 12, 2012

1/12/12 - Blacks

Hit it this morning with Russ and head down around 6:30.  Paddled out in front of the Ho Chi Min trail.  Waves were pretty weak with some waist highish sets coming though and light offshore breeze.  Saw a pair of dolphins carving though a a set together in the crystal clear water.  Caught a few waves and then started smelling coffee and that did it for me.   Head in shortly after for a follow up seshion at Peats.  LJ buoy showing a fading 2.6 ft swell with a DWP (dominant wave period) of 12sec coming from 224° SW.


b_nicholas said...
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b_nicholas said...

"Started smelling coffee and that did it for you"? Two questions: How the hell are you smelling coffee way down there? AND Even just smelling coffee will bring on #2 for you, huh? They need a port o let down there...

Unknown said...

It was mental for sure but I swear you can smell people cooking breakfast out there when the wind is blowing offshore.