Thursday, September 6, 2012


Headed down this morning from the GP not expecting a lot especially since the parking lot was empty.  Waves were really tiny and clean when I first got out but it started getting a little bit better with the tidal push with mostly knee to waist high sets, clean, and fast.  Hardly anyone out but friends with John on south peak and Russ and Paul joining in on the action later.  Thick seaweed on the inside that you would have to pull off after every wave.  Water was definitely chillier with it showing as 60 degrees at Scripps.  Buoy showing 1.9-2.4ft, 195 degrees, 14secs, and 2.9 sea height.  Tide was dead low at a 2.4ft at 6am rising to  4.6ft at 1pm.

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