Friday, September 14, 2012

9/14/12- Blacks

Arrived at the GP shortly before 6 and descended into the think fog to look for some waves.  The lineup was barely visible from the shore on the paddle out and headed out in front of the ho chi men trail.  Waves were pretty inconsistent and mostly in the waist high range with soft shoulders with the occasional one lining up for a good ride.   The water temperature dropped quite a bit and wished I had worn the full suit since I not only was chilly but had a bad case of the gremlins which does NOT make for a good combination.  Must have been the spicy food from last night trying to escape.  Tide was going high to 5ft at 9am from 0ft and winds were slightly offshore at first but completely dying off later when the fog started burning off.  Buoy showing 2.2-2.7ft, 189d, 16secs, 3.6ft combined.  

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