Thursday, March 8, 2012

3/8/12 - Blacks

Paddled out at the usual time and the usual place.  Was out around 6:30am and the tide was rapidly going high.  Shortly after getting out the waves quickly shifted from the outside bar to the inside in less than 30 minuntes with the tide coming up a few feet to a 5.5ft high at 8:40am.  Caught a few fun ones and some were even pretty top to bottom but closing out as well.  Stayed in front of the Ho Chi Men trail for the most part and were we joined by two other fellows, one of which knew Russ.  The water felt the coldest it has all year at a nice 55 degrees, and right when we paddled out I got an ice cream headached from the chill.  TP buoy showing only a little over a foot at 267 degrees.  Dolphins in the line up.

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