Sunday fun day. Waited for the tide to drop out this afternoon and for the football to begin and then snuck in solo into uncrowded overhead Scripps at around 2:30pm. Tide was almost low at a 1.3ft right around when I paddled out going high of 4.25 ft at 9:20pm. Good sets coming in with the south winds being held at bay as Scripps usually does. Went out on south peak and waves were barreling in super shallow water. Hit the ground hard numerous times and it was quite sketchy just due to the shallowness. Caught some decent ones with some pull ins and got pretty pounded. Torrey Pines buoy showing swell at 5.8 - 7.3 ft at 270 degrees.
its sick how you can see Michael Millers logo!
I liked that too :) Miller boards rock the house! Who is this?
very successful pics...
Thanks dad. These are only stills from the video but they came pretty good. I am tempted to have it just take the more high def photos next time. There is a a setting for 1080p which I can have it take a photo every second. That might be cool too.
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